FEB UNESA Benchmarking Visit
Economics and Business Faculty of Udayana University Receives a Visit from Economics and Business Faculty of Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud) receives a cooperation visit and benchmarking from Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (FEB Unesa) on Thursday, February 6, 2025. The meeting was held in MM Building, 3rd Floor, became a valuable moment to share insights and strategies to improve academic services, strengthen the integrity zone, and efficiency of faculty governance.
This activity was attended by Prof. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. as Dean of FEB Unud, Prof. Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si. as Dean of FEB Unesa, and Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma, S.E., M.Si. as Deputy Chair of the Integrity Zone Team.
This event was closed with the signing of the Implementation of Arrangement (IA) as a form of commitment to cooperation between FEB Unud and FEB Unesa.