Admission of new students
There are 4 pathways for Udayana University's new student admissions, namely: SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Independent Selection and Postgraduate Admission. The SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Independent Selection pathways are intended for prospective students at the D3 and S1 levels, while the Postgraduate Admissions pathway is intended for prospective students at the Profession, S2 and S3 levels.
SNMPTN is an abbreviation of the National Selection for State Universities. In contrast to other pathways, SNMPTN is an invitation route and does not require any more tests or exams. The SNMPTN pathway is the first national route that is opened for admission to state universities. Only after that SMBPTN and independent pathways followed. One of the SNMPTN assessment indexes is academic achievement based on report cards. Complete information about SNMPTN can refer to the SNMPTN website.
SBMPTN is a selection made by PTN or PTKIN within the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) under the coordination of LTMPT with selection based on UTBK results only or UTBK results and other criteria determined jointly by PTN. Complete information about the SBMPTN can refer to the LTMPT website.
Self Selection Path
The student admissions path through the Independent Selection is an independent admission path prepared by Udayana University to provide opportunities for prospective students who have not passed the previous selections. The selection for the Udayana University Independent Pathway is carried out through the UTBK (Computer-Based Written Examination) which has been implemented since 2019 admissions. In addition, unlike other admissions pathways, prospective students who are accepted through this pathway are subject to UKT Group V, and students are also required to pay a donation. Institutional Development (SPI) once during the study period.
Postgraduate Admission Pathway
The Postgraduate admissions path is a student admissions pathway intended for prospective students of professional, master and doctoral studies. To be accepted, prospective students must meet the requirements and pass the entrance exam that has been prepared by Udayana University.