The Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University held an International Seminar entitled 1st ICONICS International Seminar 2023 with the theme "ACCELERATING GROWTH IN GLOBAL ECONOMY AND BUSINESS UNCERTAINTIES", which was coupled with an International Conference on Friday, 1 September 2023. The implementation of the International Seminar and International Conference is a series of activities for the 56th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University (BKFEB) and the 61st anniversary of Udayana University.
This hybrid international seminar and conference was attended by participants from various countries, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Australia, Japan, Germany, the United States, and Timor-Leste, and was broadcast live via YouTube Channel Media FEB and Cisco Webex. The 1st ICONICS activity became very special because it presented alumni who are also practitioners: Ni Made Dwi Adiyanti, S.E., M.M. (Baverage and QSR Expertise), FEB Unud academics, Ni Nyoman Ayu Diantini, Ph.D., and Prof. Anu Rammohan from The University of Western Australia. On this occasion, the speakers shared their professional experiences and research experiences with seminar participants in order to improve the quality of scientific development and provide insights into understanding and facing the challenges of global economic uncertainty.
Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., said in his opening remarks that we are currently facing an era of change from a relatively stable and predictable era to an era with rapid change and unpredictability. In response to this, FEB Unud is committed to contributing to the wider community through the organization of the 1st ICONICS International Seminar, with the hope that we are all able to adapt and innovate amid the uncertainty of the current economic situation. Furthermore, the Dean of FEB also expressed his gratitude to all resource persons who have been willing to share knowledge and valuable experiences with the wider community facilitated by FEB Unud through international seminars.