Bureau of Student Affairs, Unud, Holds Socialization of PPK Ormawa and P2MW 2024

The Bureau of Student Affairs of Udayana University (Udayana University) held a Socialization of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) and the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) on Monday, January 22, 2024 which took place in the Doctoral Hall, BM Building 4th Floor, Sudirman Campus. The socialization of PPK Ormawa and P2MW was attended by 144 participants and 2 speakers from UPKP Unud namely I Komang Ari Mogi S.kom., M.kom., and Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M.Kes., as well as 2 Student Representatives who have participated in PPK Ormawa and P2MW activities namely Kadek Naraya Yoga Semadi and Putu Dera Latsmi. This activity aims to inform and socialize the PPK Ormawa and P2MW programs to FEB Unud students so that they get high attention so that it is hoped that in the future many FEB Unud representatives will register for the program.

PPK Ormawa is a series of Ormawa coaching processes by universities implemented through community service and empowerment programs to improve soft skills and competencies of students' abilities in organization, strengthening the character of Pancasila, defending the country, loving the country, nationality, leadership, and working together (team work). In general, PPK Ormawa activities aim to improve the performance of universities in strengthening the capacity of Ormawa to be able to become Student Organizations that can create Human Resources (HR) that are smart, superior, and have character. 

P2MW is a business development funding program for students who already have a product prototype or are already running a business. In general, P2MW activities aim to increase the number of students running enterprises in higher education. In the P2MW program in 2023, Dera Lastmi and her team made the Allep Candle product, which is an aromatherapy candle derived from the use of used cooking oil. Allep Candle, whom she and her team proposed, received funding of $15 million in the P2MW program.

In the PPK Ormawa and P2MW socialization activities, there were several series of activities. First, the activity began with the opening, which was opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Dr. I Made Artha Wibawa, S.E., M.M. Then, followed by a material presentation session by UPKP PPK Ormawa, Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, and M. Kes related to PPK Ormawa socialization material. Then, we continued with the presentation of material by the Head of the 2023 PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud Team, Kadek Naraya Yoga Semadi, regarding the PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud material that he had implemented. Then, continuing with the presentation of material by UPKP P2MW, I Komang Ari Mogi S.kom., M.kom related to P2MW material. Then, we continued with the delivery of experiences by students who have participated in P2MW activities, namely Putu Dera Lastmi. In addition, there was also a 15-minute discussion session. Furthermore, the socialization activities were closed by the Head of DPM FEB Unud, Komang Gd Cahya Wiguna, and the Head of BEM FEB Unud, A.A. Ayu Kirana Wulandari. This short and meaningful activity is certainly very useful for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University.

In this activity, the Chairperson of UPKP Unud, Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M. Kes., explained that to be able to pass funding, the PPK Ormawa Implementation Team must be able to make proposals by raising problems in the village and providing solutions. In addition, Nyoman Budiastra also added that, to be able to pass Abdidaya, there are several things that must be considered, namely: 1) The logbook of the PPK Ormawa Implementation Team must be made every day in real time by adding documentation when activities are taking place. 2) The role of the supervisor in program implementation is very important, not only assisting the implementation team but also guiding and providing advice from the beginning of program implementation to the end of the program. 3) The contribution of each implementing team to the activity; in the PPK Ormawa program, the implementing team is only a facilitator and motivator. 4) Community contribution is also an important point in the implementation of the event. The implementation team must be able to mobilize the entire community so that they can contribute fully because this is part of the assessment as well. 5) Look for the village where the supervisor lives; the goal is that the supervisor can help mobilize the village community to participate in the success of the program. The PPK Ormawa program has many benefits, in addition to getting hard skills, soft skills, relationships, new knowledge and insights, and the conversion of 20 credits.

UPKP P2MW, I Komang Ari Mogi S.kom., M.kom, explained that P2MW is a student business development program that has a product prototype or is already running a business directorate in Belmawa. In general, P2MW activities aim to increase the number of students running enterprises in higher education. P2MW is open to general students starting from semester 2 to semester 6. There are 6 business categories in P2MW activities, namely food and beverage categories, cultivation, creative industries, arts, culture, and tourism, services and trade, manufacturing and applied technology, and digital business. In addition, Ari Mogi, the UPKP Team that oversees the P2MW program, revealed that products that can pass the KMI Award are those that have a big impact on society both in terms of social, cultural, and economic aspects.

The series of socialization activities for PPK Ormawa and P2MW, which have been completed, bring hope to all parties regarding the output resulting from this event. UPKP P2MW, I Komang Ari Mogi S.kom., M.kom., hopes that with this socialization activity, students will have national competition activities that can enrich student experiences. Apart from that, it is also hoped that students and ormawa within the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University can contribute by taking part in PPK Ormawa and P2MW activities. Chair of the Ormawa PPK Team BEM FEB Unud 2023, Kadek Naraya Yoga Semadi, hopes that the roadshow related to Ormawa PPK activities at FEB will be able to provide a broader view of the definition of service to the surrounding community. Apart from that, hopefully we will be able to provide enthusiasm and motivation to friends at LMFEB to always increase the capacity of their organizations and also the capacity of each individual within them in providing and implementing the knowledge gained at FEB with a service program. "The hope is that in this year and the following years, not only Ormawa but all students at FEB can dedicate themselves to society, not only through the Ormawa PPK program but also through other programs with the same meaning and objectives, said the disclosure.