Creating the Largest Aspiration Channeling Containers DPM FEB Unud Gelar Jumpa Dekanat 2024
Denpasar, DPM, FEB Unud The Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (DPM FEB Unud) held a Dean's Meeting of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University on Monday, June 24, 2024, offline at the 4th Floor BH Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, FEB Unud, and online through Cisco Webex Meetings media.
This year, Jumpa Dekanat 2024 carries the theme "Encouraging Synergistic Aspirations for the Realization of a Responsive, Solutive, and Progressive Faculty of Economics and Business through Jumpa Dekanat 2024," which contains the meaning and hope that students have high enthusiasm in conveying aspirations, as well as the hope that the faculty is able to quickly respond to all problems by providing solutions that are expected to make better growth for FEB Unud.
The Jumpa Dekanat 2024 activity was opened by Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., as the Dean of FEB Unud and attended by the Vice Deans, Coordinators of each study program, Administrative Coordinator, Education and Cooperation Sub-Coordinator, Planning and Information Systems Sub-Coordinator, General and Financial Sub-Coordinator, Student Affairs Sub-Coordinator, UP2M Coordinator, UP3MF Coordinator, UPIKS Coordinator, Supervisor of Lecturers and Students of each institution, and Head of each student institution.
In addition, the participants of this work program were representatives of each student institution in FEB Unud as many as 9 people, representatives of each study program as many as 12 people, as well as class coordinators for 2021-2023 from the undergraduate study programs of Development Economics, Management, and Accounting as many as 6 people, and class coordinators of the Diploma program in 2022-2023 as many as 4 people. The 2024 Dean's Meeting was attended by 163 offline participants, 261 online participants, 37 organizers, and 3 steering committees.
Jumpa Dekanat is one of the work programs of the Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, which is held annually to facilitate students in channeling their aspirations regarding expectations, needs, and problems related to academics and non-academics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.
The hope is that after this work program is held, open, transparent, and inclusive communication can be realized between students and the dean for the progress of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. This series of activities began with the opening, which was attended by the Dean of FEB Unud, Deputy Deans, Coordinators of each study program, Administrative Coordinator, Sub-Coordinator of Education and Cooperation, Sub-Coordinator of Planning and Information Systems, Sub-Coordinator of General and Finance, Sub-Coordinator of Student Affairs, UP2M Coordinator, UP3M Coordinator, and UPIKS Coordinator, all supervisors, both lecturers and students, and all heads of institutions in FEB Unud, as well as all 2024 Dean's Meeting participants.
After the opening, it will continue with the preparation of the 2024 Dean's Meeting questionnaire discussion and an overview of the 2024 Dean's Meeting questionnaire results. The overview of the questionnaire results will show the growth in the number of Dean's Jumpa respondents from 2021 to 2024, the growth in the number of Dean's Jumpa questionnaire indicators, and a comparison of the Dean's Jumpa value trends from 2021 to 2024. The next activity is a discussion session by field, starting with the academic and planning fields, then the general and financial fields, and continuing with the student and information fields.
In this field discussion session, a table of the value of each indicator in the sub-discussion will be displayed, which will be explained in several values below the total average read by the moderator. The discussion will then continue with the reading of responses and suggestions from students that have been summarized from the results of the 2024 Jumpa Dekanat questionnaire, after which it will continue with a 65-minute discussion session.
During the discussion session, various aspirations and agreements were generated through this Jumpa Dekanat activity, namely related to the Global Engagement Program (GEP), MBKM program, Digital BAP, assignment letters and competition supervisors, classroom facilities, campus security, computer lab facilities, campus cleanliness, water availability, wifi quality, student achievement, and the competence of lecturers. The results of the overall discussion in this activity will be further informed through the Jumpa Dekanat 2024 press release.
At the end of the activity, the ratification of the 2024 Dean's Meeting Results was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, the Chair of the Student Representative Council, and the Chair of the 2024 Dean's Meeting Organizing Committee, which also closed the 2024 Dean's Meeting event. Author: I Nyoman Dharmaja Wira Yudha.