The Undergraduate Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held a Curriculum Update Workshop with the theme "Updating the Curriculum to Increase Global Competitiveness" on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. The event took place from 08.30-12.00 Wita at BI Building 3rd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. This workshop aims to align the curriculum with global demands and the job market, as well as the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Curriculum based on Outcome-Based Education (OBE). The event was opened by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Management Study Program, Dr. I Nyoman Nurcaya, SE., MM, who emphasized the importance of curriculum updates to face the challenges of globalization.
Prof. Dr. Harjum Muharam, S.E., M.E., Head of the Department of Management FEB Diponegoro University, was the guest speaker in this workshop. He presented material on market and community needs-based learning and appropriate learning and career development strategies. Workshop materials include the importance of the OBE approach in the curriculum, project-based learning strategies, and how to achieve graduate learning outcomes (CPL) and course learning outcomes (CPMK). Prof. Dr. Harjum Muharam, S.E., M.E., also emphasized the importance of developing graduates' soft skills and leadership abilities, as well as technology integration in the learning process. The moderator in this workshop was Dr. Dra. I Gusti Manuati Dewi, M.A., a lecturer in the Bachelor of Management Study Program at FEB Udayana University.
The participants actively discussed networking and career development strategies, the use of technology in the curriculum, and the implementation of MBKM in the campus environment. The workshop ended with the submission of mementos to the speakers and moderators by the Study Program Coordinator accompanied by the Chairperson of the Committee, Prof. Dr. Dra. I Gst. Ayu Kt. Giantari, M.Si. The event was attended by Management Study Program lecturers. This workshop is expected to make a positive contribution in improving the quality of the curriculum and the global competitiveness of graduates.