On this happy occasion Friday, May 5, 2023 Promovenda Ni Nyoman Ayu Wiratini M., AP, M.Si. delivered a dissertation on the topic: Analysis of the Effect of Community Empowerment and Social Capital on Community Empowerment and Community Welfare in Tourism Development in North Badung.

The research results concluded:

(1) Economic empowerment, social empowerment, psychological empowerment and social capital have a positive and significant effect on community empowerment in tourism development in North Badung, while political empowerment has a positive and insignificant effect on community empowerment in tourism development in North Badung;

(2) Economic empowerment, social capital and community empowerment have a positive and significant effect on community welfare in tourism development in North Badung, while political empowerment, social empowerment, psychological empowerment have a positive and insignificant effect on community welfare in tourism development in North Badung;

(3) Economic empowerment, psychological empowerment, social capital affect community welfare through community empowerment in tourism development in North Badung while political empowerment, social empowerment have no effect on community welfare through community empowerment in tourism development in North Badung.

This Doctoral Promotion Session was held Offline, the Promoter of Promovenda was Prof. Dr. Made Suyana Utama, S.E., M.S., as well as Copromoter I Prof. Dr. Drs. Made Kembar Sri Budhi, MP., and Copromoter II Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, S.E., M.Si.

The Doctoral Promotion Examination was led by the Chairperson of the Session which on this occasion was led by Mrs. Koprodi, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, S.E., M.P. Promovenda served in the Regional Government as Secretary of the Badung Regency Archives and Library Office and Promovenda successfully passed the exam with a Very Satisfactory predicate.