FEB Prepares for Submission of PSDA Opening in 2020

The Dean of FEB Unud held another important activity this weekend. This time, the Dean of FEB, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. together with the Deputy Deans hold a meeting on curriculum development as one of the requirements for the submission of an Accounting Doctoral Study Program (PSDA).

The meeting was held on Friday (07/17/2020) at the BI Campus in Denpasar and presented the Chair of the PSDA Curriculum Development Team, Dr. Ni Ketut Rasmini, S.E., MSi, Ak, CA., Unit Coordinators, Professors and Lecturers in Accounting, as well as all the PSDA formation committees.

The FEB Dean in his remarks at the opening of the meeting said that the plan to form this PSDA requires extraordinary sacrifice. There are 9 component requirements that must be prepared by FEB towards achieving the desired dream. Therefore, the Dean and his staff promised to contribute as much as possible so that everything went smoothly. The Dean also believes that the committees submitting the opening of PSDA will always be compact in facing the challenges faced later.

The closest thing that will be prepared by the committee is the preparation of proposals and curriculum which are expected to be completed before November this year.