FEB UNUD Capital Market Study Group launches Investing Class 2024
This academic training activity was opened by Kadek Dwi Wahyudiana Putra, the supervisor of the student element of the semi-autonomous body of the capital market study group. This activity was attended by the Supervisor of the Lecturer Element of the Semi-Autonomous Body of the Capital Market Study Group, the Supervisor of the Student Element of the Semi-Autonomous Body of the Capital Market Study Group, the Student Organization of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, and participants from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. There were also 3 speakers who provided material to the participants, namely Ni Putu Suriani as the National Best Champion IV KBMK 2023, Dewa Gede Mahagita Ananda, A.Md., S.M., as an alumnus of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, and Gusti Ngurah Prabhasari, SE., MM., as Unit Manager and Internal Influencer of Pegadaian.
The KSPM Investing Class is an activity in the form of academic training in the fields of finance, investment, and value analysis. This activity focuses on preparatory material for KBMK (National Competition for Business, Management, and Financial Sciences), which is aimed at Udayana University students, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business, to understand the capital market, analyze issues related to the capital market, and form delegates who are ready to represent the Faculty of Economics and Business of Udayana University in the competition. KSPM Investing Class 2024 has the theme Unlocking Your Financial Genius: Mastering Wise Investment Valuation with the Power of Fundamental and Technical Analysis in National Competition. The purpose of this training is to introduce capital market competitions, improve the ability to analyze issuers before investing, and screen and obtain Udayana University delegates in KBMK (National Competition for Business, Management, and Financial Sciences) in the field of investment research in 2025.
KSPM Investing Class 2024 began with opening events such as singing the Indonesia Raya song, the Udayana University Hymn, and the Udayana University Faculty of Economics and Business Hymn, followed by prayer, the report of the Chairperson of the Committee, remarks from Juan Mario Radityatama, as Chairperson of the Capital Market Study Group Semi-Autonomous Body, and remarks by I Kadek Dwi Wahyudiana Putra, as Supervisor of the Student Element of the Capital Market Study Group Semi-Autonomous Body of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. After the series of opening events were completed, followed by a material presentation session by Ni Putu Suriani with the help of modules on global macroeconomics, valuation, fundamentals, and technicalities that were distributed to participants one day before the event began through the participant chat group, Next, participants were directed to the practical session of analyzing issuers that are trending at the moment. Then, the speaker analyzed the issuer in terms of macroeconomics, fundamentals, and technicals and provided reference sources that can be accessed through the internet and reliable books. In addition, this session also provided an opportunity for participants to discuss directly with the speaker after learning the material that had been presented.
After the material presentation session by Ni Putu Suriani was completed, the event continued with a material session discussing the importance of gold investment, delivered by I Gusti Ngurah Prabhasari, SE., MM. from Pegadaian. Furthermore, the event continued with a sharing session by Dewa Gede Mahagita Ananda, A.Md., S.M., an alumnus of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University who is an expert in the field of capital markets. In this session, it was discussed the benefits obtained by alumni after graduating from university and experiences related to the material presented by the previous speakers, both in competitions and in the context of personal finance.
Then, the next agenda was presented by Division II of the Semi-Autonomous Body of the Capital Market Study Group to provide direction to participants and convey information about the nearest competition in the field of capital markets, especially the Stock Analysis Competition. Furthermore, participants will take part in a games session through Quizizz regarding the material that has been presented by the speaker to close the core agenda of the KSPM Investing Class 2024 event. The event then ended with the closing of a series of events, such as the report of the Chairperson of the Committee, remarks from the Chairperson of the Capital Market Study Group Semi-Autonomous Agency, as well as remarks from the Student Element Supervisor of the Capital Market Study Group of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, which also closed the KSPM Investing Class 2024 event.
The series of implementations of academic training for KSPM Investing Class 2024 that have been implemented brings hope for the output generated from the event. With the KSPM Investing Class 2024, it is expected that novice investors, especially those from the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University, can improve their understanding and skills regarding the capital market. In addition, it is also expected that they will be able to participate in academic competitions related to capital markets, such as the Stock Analysis Competition (SAC), the Trading Competition, and others. So that it can improve the quality and achievement of students in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, and have a positive impact on their career development and academic achievements in the future. Through this activity, it is also expected to create qualified delegates to compete in related capital market competitions. The positive contribution of the delegates is expected to support the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045 through increased financial literacy, investment skills, and analytical capabilities, especially fundamentally and technically among students. Thus, KSPM Investing Class 2024 is not only a response to the encouraging capital market conditions but also part of the effort to support Indonesia's economic growth towards a more glorious future. (mst).