The Bachelor of Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University has carried out a follow-up of the results of the Study Period Evaluation of students who are in the Red Zone (exceeding 7 years of study / 2015 batch) and the Orange Zone (already approaching the maximum study period, Class of 2016, 2017) in the form of joint meetings and discussions. This activity was held on Monday, May 15, 2023 at MM Building 3rd Floor room 3.2.

This activity was opened and led directly by the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Economics Study Program, Dr. Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari, SE, M.Si. This activity began with a presentation by Mrs. Koprodi related to the basis of the rules and the results of monitoring evaluations of active students in the 2015-2017 batch who had not completed their studies. Discussions were held with Koprodi and students to identify problems / obstacles faced by each student present at that time, both internal and external factors. The study program is very committed to solving problems related to the system or rules that are an obstacle to completing the study. However, on the other hand, Koprodi also expects the commitment of all students, especially the red zone and orange zone, to be able to complete the study as soon as possible so that all students can graduate well from the Bachelor of Economics Study Program which can also encourage the performance of the Study Program to be better in the future. With this activity, it is hoped that students both in the red zone and orange zone can immediately complete their studies with the assistance of the Study Program in accordance with the mapping of the problems faced. This activity is carried out periodically / regularly by the study program, so that problems or obstacles encountered in the preparation of theses / final assignments by students can be resolved properly.