Increase the Ranking of Udayana University Student Affairs through Simponi Padi
The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University held a Paddy Symphony Socialization and Workshop (Management Information System for Internal Organizational Management of the Study Program), located at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (1/9/2020). This socialization event was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and attended by the Head of the Sub Division of Student Affairs from each Faculty and the 2020 Unud Student Ranking Team. Material related to Paddy SImponi was delivered by the USDI Team.
Head of BKM I Dewa Gede Oka, SE said that the level of ranking in the Student Affairs sector is very much determined by the achievements achieved by students at the Faculty. Currently, the student affairs ranking system with the formation of a taskforce team for data collection to be uploaded through a system, namely the Simponi Padi, through this system it is hoped that the performance of the Student Affairs Sector in 2021 can increase.
While the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. I Made Sudarma in his direction conveyed the Socialization of the Padi Sympony this time specifically in ranking the field of student affairs so that existing data can be uploaded. However, the most important thing is that student activities at the Faculty in the future must be improved and recorded in the Paddy Symphony. The ranking as it is known has several criteria related to student achievement. Through this opportunity, the Vice Chancellor also conveyed several achievements. These achievements should be recorded and included in the Rice Symphony. As a taskforce, it is expected to record data on student activities in the Faculty considering this is also related to the performance contract of the Dean with the Chancellor. In the future, this must be considered carefully and always uploading data and do not let anything empty.