Management Science Doctoral Study Program Receives A Accreditation

Denpasar, August 6, 2020, the good news was conveyed by the head of LP3M, Prof. Udayana University. Dr. Ni Wyn. Sri Suprapti, SE, MSi related to the results of the Accreditation by BAN-PT. This happy news was welcomed and proud by all the leaders of the Faculty of Economics and Business along with the accreditation team of the Doctor of Management Study Program because after going through a long process in preparation for the accreditation of the Management Science Doctoral Study Program. "This result is certainly obtained thanks to the hard work of all the ladies and gentlemen here. The Task Force elements compiling the forms, the Field Assessment Team who prepared the event so that the event ran so smoothly, the Webex Team working hard to ensure the internet network and infrastructure went smoothly, Mr. Koprodi along with The production secretary, Mr. Robi, remained calm even though Mr. Robi was pale and had several stomach ulcers, the Head of LP3M who worked hard to oversee the accreditation process, to oversee the data problems of PDIM lecturers at PDDIKTI, Lecturers, Tendik, Alumni, Users and Students who confirmed what which we write in the form, and all the other elements that you can't mention one by one. You all deserve much KUDOS for this achievement! " said the Dean of FEB Unud.