PKM (Student Creativity Program) Bachelor of Accounting Training and Proposal activities
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Has carried out training activities and preparation of PKM (Student Creativity Program) Scientific Work which took place in the MM Building, 3rd Floor of FEB Unud, who attended this activity were students / students of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program of FEB Unud. , this activity was opened by I Made Andika Pradnyana Wistawan, SE., MSA., Ak., CA. as the secretary of the Scientific Work PKM Committee. The speakers for this activity were the Secretary of USCC (Udayana Student Creative Center), Dr. Ni Luh Ramaswati Purnawan, SS., M. Comn, then guided by the Moderator of Accounting Lecturer at FEB Unud Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Kresnandra, SE., MSA., Ak, CA. The purpose of this Scientific Work PKM (Student Creativity Program) Training and Proposal activity is to provide an explanation of what PKM Scientific Work is and how to write or guide the preparation of PKM Scientific Work proposals which can then be used as provisions for students who will take PKM Scientific Works. It is hoped that from this activity students can understand the procedures for writing / compiling the Scientific Work PKM proposal. The activity was closed by the Koprodi Bachelor of Accounting, FEB Unud.