Selection of Outstanding Students in 2020

Selection of Outstanding Students in 2020 is one of the Division 1 work programs organized by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and in 2020 the theme "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". This activity took place on Friday, February 27, 2020 in the Hall of the Doctoral Building at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. The purpose of this PILMAPRES activity is to select the Achievement Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, in order to represent the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University level and towards the National. The PILMAPRES consists of 2 categories, namely the Undergraduate category and the Diploma category. The total number of PILMAPRES participants in 2020 were 22 students consisting of 12 participants representing the Undergraduate program and 10 students from the Diploma program.

The names of the participants representing the Undergraduate program are:

1. Anak Agung Ary Anila Kusuma Wardani

2. Rahma Widya Aulia

3. Naufal Akbar 

4. Putu Nila Ayunia Ariarta

5. Putu Wanda Agnestia

6. I Putu Satya Ariwinata

7. Ni Komang Trisna Darma Putri

8. Ni Kadek Erliani

9. I Gusti Ayu Putu Candra

10. I Gusti Ngurah Ray Airlangga

11. Ni Luh Ayu Meliani

12. Ni Made Dian Kemala Ratih Palgunadi

The names of the representative participants from the diploma program are:

1. Ni Putu Puspita Dewi

2. Ni Luh Putu Candra Dewi

3. Ida Bagus Dandy

4. Tjokorda Istri Margareta Novita Dewi

5. Ni Kadek Wiantini

6. Kadek Yuris Ganiswari

7. Ni Kadek Dwi Sukmayanti

8. A.A Putu Mirah Pridayanti

9. Nyimas Taitha Ananda Oktavainty

10. Komang Bayu Tri Wibowo

This activity was opened with a Cendrawasih dance performed by FEB students and remarks by the Chairperson of the Committee, Chair of BEM FEB Unud, then Vice Dean III and ended with the beating of gongs by the Development Economics Cooprodi and continued with the introduction of a jury consisting of 3 judges, namely:

1. Dr. I Made Surya Negara, SE., AK., MM

2. I Made Andika Pradnyana Wistawan SE., MSA., AK., CA

3. Naniek Noviari, SE., M.Si., AK

Followed by the finalist's presentation, then the recapitulation of values by the jury in the jury room and the next event was filled with entertainment programs from the Semi Autonomous Body E +, then continued with jury sharing accompanied by placards, and continued with the reading of the Champion and ending with closing with three gong beatings times by the Development Economics Kooprodi, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.

The winners of the Undergraduate category PILMAPRES 2020:

1st place: Luh Ayu Meilani

2nd Place: Ni Made Dian Kumala Ratih Palgunadi

3rd Place: I Gusti Ngurah Ray Airlangga

The winners of the Diploma PILMAPRES 2020 category:

1st Place: Tjokorda Istri Margaretha Novita Dewi

2nd Place: Kadek Yuris Ganiswari

3rd Place: Ni Kadek Wiantini