Denpasar, Press Bureau of BEM FEB Unud - The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program Team (PPK Ormawa) of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud) successfully passed funding from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) on Wednesday (14/06) for the proposed service proposal. The theme carried out in the PPK Ormawa 2023 event is, "Strengthening the Capacity of Student Organizations to realize the achievement of 21st Century learner competencies for community welfare". PPK Ormawa is a program to strengthen the capacity of student organizations through a series of Ormawa coaching processes by universities that are implemented in community service and empowerment programs. PPK Ormawa activities aim to improve university performance in strengthening the capacity and quality of Ormawa as well as developing soft skills and student competencies such as organizational skills, strengthening the character of Pancasila, state defense, love for the country, nationality, leadership, and teamwork. In this event, the PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud team proposed a proposal entitled "Wedang Karsa: Optimizing Robusta Coffee Production Through Customer Relationship Management-Based Community Empowerment to Realize an Entrepreneurial Village".
The PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud team consists of 15 members consisting of the 2020 and 2021 batches, chaired by Kadek Naraya Yoga Semadi from the Accounting Study Program class of 2021 with members Ni Putu Ayu Rasita Nata Dewi, I Gede Ari Wahyu Anantha, Putu Jenny Natasia, I Gusti Ayu Made Winda Maharani, Dewe Gede Agung Ari Guna Arta, I Nyoman Amertha Brahmanda Deva, I Made Denny Wahyu Aditya, Gusti Ayu Putu Wiwit Sukmayanti, Putu Bramanda Kusuma Yuda, Hendra Wijaya, Muhamad Farid, Ni Komang Risa Pebriyanthi, Govinda Gde Paramartha Madusudana, and Ryan Saputra Tirta. In addition, this team was also accompanied by a supervisor, Dr. Made Dwi Setyadhi Mustika, SE.M.Si.
This year, the PPK Ormawa team from Unud who managed to qualify for funding amounted to 7 teams and overall there were 608 teams with 3000 applicants from various universities in Indonesia. The PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud team is the only team representing FEB Unud in this year's funding. In this prestigious event, the PPK BEM FEB Unud team raised the issue of Karya Sari Village, Pupuan, which is still experiencing obstacles related to increasing agricultural productivity and selling Robusta coffee in Pupuan, Tabanan. The PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud team was present to provide solutions to the problems of Karya Sari Village to help optimize the production and sale of Robusta coffee through community empowerment innovations by conducting training for the village community as a form of community empowerment in processing coffee beans into processed products such as coffee powder called Wedang Karsa which is then sold and marketed through digital-based sales and marketing techniques through the concept of Customer Relationship Management in realizing an Entrepreneurial Village.
In addition to providing training on processing coffee into powder with machines, it will be supported with financial training and digital marketing training. "The idea of our proposal is broadly in the form of a solution program for village communities related to how to process the harvest of coffee beans which have only been sold as a whole and how to sell and market them digitally so as to increase the added value of coffee products through the collaboration of village economic institutions," said Naraya. We realize that a business will run successfully if each stage (production-marketing-financial management) is based on adequate skills and knowledge," he added.
The stages of PPK Ormawa activities can also be considered quite long, starting from socialization and technical guidance held in February by the university. Then the next stage is making proposals and revising proposals. Initial selection is carried out by universities, then sent to the center. If it passes the selection by Belmawa, it will enter the presentation selection stage. At this presentation stage, each team sends a team leader to present and an additional 2 member representatives to assist during the question and answer session. After the announcement of the team that passed the funding, all teams began to carry out PPK Ormawa activities to the intended village starting from June the third week until later in October for the preparation of the final report. Naraya revealed that there are many things that must be prepared so that they can pass the funding stage of the PPK Ormawa proposal at the Belmawa level. However, the most important thing is the preparation in dealing with the problems faced by the village community and the solution program as a solution to the problem and great hope for Karya Sari Village.
The success of the BEM FEB team to the final stage of the PPK Ormawa selection is a pride to be able to contribute in improving the good name of the FEB Unud academic community in general and BEM FEB in particular to continue to excel in pouring ideas of creativity and innovation while serving and having an impact on the welfare of the village in the future. Of course, this must be an extraordinary opportunity to provide collaborative real action from every element of society through innovative programs that will be presented in PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud for Karya Sari Village, Pupuan in particular and does not rule out the possibility of expanding collaboration with villages that need solutions to other village problems. The service program of PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud will be carried out for five months, from June to October. With the implementation of this program, Naraya hopes to provide opportunities for all parties, especially BEM FEB Unud and the PPK Ormawa BEM FEB activity implementation team to be able to improve their soft skills in terms of leadership, communication, teamwork, critical thinking skills, and social care. In addition, it is hoped that all activities that have been designed can be carried out well in accordance with what is expected by the people of Karya Sari Village. "Hopefully all activities and all program concept designs that we have compiled at the beginning can be implemented properly so that they can become a forum for improving our competence, as well as being solution programs for problems experienced by the people of Karya Sari Village," said Naraya.