The Dissemination of KKN PPM XXI Unud, Thematic KKN Taking Place Online-Combined and attended by 3,857 students, 25 of whom KKN abroad
Jimbaran - Udayana University held a Release of Community Empowerment Learning (KKN PPM) Period XXI Year 2020, Thursday (07/09/2020). The release was carried out in the Nation Room of the Rectorate Building which was attended by the Unud Rector, Deputy Chancellor, Chairperson of LPPM, Student Representative Participants in KKN, Ungasan Village Sub-district and Jimbaran Village and District Coordinator. The Deans and Vice Deans of the Faculty Academic Field, Field Supervisors (DPL) and other invitees as well as all KKN students participating in the online release program. KKN participants released by the Rector of Udayana University accompanied by the Chairperson of LPPM totaled 3,857 students. Of these, there were 25 students who conducted KKN Overseas, namely in 4 countries namely Germany (1 person), Malaysia (20 people), Timor Leste (4 people), and the rest were scattered in 25 Provinces in Indonesia.
Head of LPPM Unud Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja conveyed that this time the Community Service Program had the theme "Unud Thematic Community Service Program in Tangguh Customary Village Covid 19, Online-Combined Assistance and Empowerment Program". This community-based Community Service Program aims to encourage students to apply various kinds of knowledge that are useful to assist the community through mentoring in strengthening the Tangguh Desa Covid program and will take place from 11 July to 23 August 2020. The Chairperson of the LPPM hopes that KKN participants truly carry out their community service duties and are able to provide the best in the village and have empathy and care for community problems and are able to empower them, especially in the situation of the Covid outbreak.
Unud Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his remarks conveyed, Unud for the first time in 2020 implemented Thematic KKN online because of the corona virus pandemic. The implementation is different from the previous KKN, where students do not live in the village, but the KKN activities will be carried out online-in combination. Online activities are interpreted as student activities with students, students with Field Supervising Lecturers (DPL), and students with village communities conducted online (online). Combined activity is defined as field visits with a limited frequency and amount. In this combination activity, student activity products on campus in the form of co-19 prevention education education tools will be submitted to the village, through the village head or custom village.
The corona virus epidemic that is felt by the whole world and this country has changed many things including the Tri Dharma of Higher Education activities, one of which is PPM Community Service Program in Unud. The condition of the KKN implementation this time is in Force Majeure condition and the choice to carry out Thematic KKN Online is the best choice, so that the implementation is not delayed and students who have programmed themselves for research, proposal examinations, and thesis examinations can graduate on time.
The Chancellor also advised students, although the Community Service Program was carried out online-in combination, so students would build good relationships with community leaders, village heads, and all community components. During the Community Service Program in the covid period, students must obey and implement the Covid-19 protocol. Field Supervisor Lecturers to carry out their duties as well as possible in guiding, directing, giving advice and giving assessments to students of KKN, so that the goals of KKN can be achieved as they should.
The Chief Executive of KKN Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana added that there were some students who conducted KKN abroad due to the pandemic. They are foreign students who are given the opportunity to do community service in their respective areas, one of which is co-mitigation and disciplining the public for the application of health protocols. In addition it also helps problems in other fields in accordance with the provisions that have been given.