The Inaugural Lecture of the Unud Postgraduate Program Held Online, Followed by 847 New Students

Denpasar - Udayana University Postgraduate Program Holds First Lecture for Professional Program, Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS), Masters Program and Doctoral Program online, Monday (14/9/2020). The inaugural lecture was attended by several speakers, namely Deputy Chancellor Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara with the material "Academic Policy as a Foundation for the Learning Process at Udayana University in 2020", General Lecture by the Chair of the Senate Prof. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta with the topic "Strengthening the Implementation of Unud's Vision in Postgraduate Education at Udayana University, material related to Information Systems at Udayana University was delivered by the Secretary of USDI, Dr. Dewa Made Wiharta and Journal and Publication Information (JUPI) were delivered by the Chairman of JUPI Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, Ph.D.

Director of the Postgraduate Program Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika in his report said that this inaugural lecture aims to introduce new students to the vision, mission and goals of Udayana University, understand the learning process at the professional, master and doctoral levels, understand the main supporting facilities to support learning such as the Source Unit Information Resources, as well as journals and scientific publications provided by the Udayana University Library. The first lecture was attended by 847 new students consisting of 99 Professional Program students, 131 PPDS students, 468 Masters students and 149 Doctoral students and 3 PMDSU Program students.

Meanwhile, Udayana University Rector Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that whatever the conditions exist, the teaching and learning process must continue, because we must continue to work and remain productive and stick to established health protocols. As a higher education institution that has a vision to become an institution that produces excellent, independent and cultured graduates, Udayana University always implements higher education quality standards in accordance with the National Higher Education Standards, even though the teaching and learning process must be carried out. on line. The quality standards applied are our common guidelines to be able to carry out the quality education, research and community service process.

Some important things that become references in Udayana University standards are Passing on Time, Grade Point Average, and producing Publications. This is important because Masters, Doctoral, Professional, and Specialist education have set a standard study time that must be used as a basis in the education process, evaluation, and determination of student graduation. Therefore, new students are asked to understand this, so that they can follow the educational process well and can complete studies according to predetermined quality standards.