Udayana University Holds Online Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) 2020

Jimbaran - In the series of admissions for Udayana University's new students in 2020, students are required to take part in the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) and Student Day activities. The implementation of PKKMB in 2020 takes the theme "Strengthening Education, Advancing Culture to Realize Competitive, Innovative and Characteristic Human Resources in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in a New Era". New students and invitations take part in the entire series of PKKMB activities online through the Webex Meeting application from their respective residences, Monday (7/9/2020). The number of PKKMB participants this year was 5,762 people divided into 58 clusters and each cluster consisting of 100 people.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his report said that the PKKMB was attended by new students from the selection of SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Independent Path, Papuan Affirmation Student Path / ADIK 3T, Foreign Student Path and old students who had not participated in the previous year, or for those who did not pass PKKMB. in the previous year. The materials provided include: (1) Strengthening Indonesian Nationalism in Education at Udayana University by the Chair of the Senate of Udayana University; (2) Udayana University's Higher Education Policy for Competitive Human Resources in the Industrial Age 4.0 (Implentasi Merdeka Learning on an Independent Campus) by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Udayana University; (3) Management of Udayana University Resources by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance; (4) Student Organization and Activities by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs; (5) Planning, Cooperation and Information by the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Information; (6) Udayana University Information and Communication Technology Supporting Capacity, Supporting Excellent Human Resources in the Pandemic Period by the Chairperson of USDI.

The passing criteria in the PKKMB use five assessment parameters, namely (1) attendance in each session (2) seriousness in participating in each activity session (3) discipline in using time (4) persistence in listening to material and (5) adherence to rules and regulations. PKKMB participants are declared to have passed if the average value of the overall activity reaches a minimum of 60. This PKKMB must be followed by new students at Udayana University considering that PKKMB graduation is a prerequisite for attending later Graduation. Participants who have passed will be given a pass certificate and participants who have not passed will still be given the opportunity to take part in the next PKKMB period.

Unud Chancellor Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that PKKMB is a routine activity which is held at the beginning of every academic year. This needs to be done considering that new students entering campus life require adaptation to be able to adapt to the environment including the learning process in college. Many new students are not psychologically ready to carry out the higher education learning process based on scientific autonomy and freedom to develop an academic platform. Students' readiness to enter campus life is very important because it will affect the success concerned in pursuing their studies. Through the Introduction to Campus Life, New Students will be given an understanding of various aspects of knowledge in the field of higher education including the infrastructure that can be used and how to use it.

For this reason, PKKMB is an important element to do so that every student has early readiness to adapt in the learning process. New students are expected to seriously participate in this activity because the introduction of campus life is part of the academic culture and through academic culture we will be able to increase the nation's competitiveness. The Chancellor also advised all Udayana University new students to make an individual strategic plan in taking education so that they can complete it on time.