Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Conducts the Preparation / Improvement of Academic Guidebooks in 2020

Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, has carried out activities for the preparation / improvement of the 2020 Academic Handbook on Friday (6/26) which was held offline by complying with the health protocol. Also present in this activity was the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program and the Compilation / Compilation Committee of the Academic Guidebook for the Bachelor of Accounting FEB Unud in 2020. This activity was directly led by the Coordinator of the Faculty of Accounting FEB Unud, and the purpose of this activity was to revise the academic manual 2019. There are several things that need to be revised such as vision-mission, graduate profile, CPL, and curriculum.