Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Holds a Meeting on Establishing Vision and Mission in Offline

Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, has held a Meeting on Establishing the Vision and Mission of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, FEB, Udayana University, which was held offline, Friday (19/6) by complying with the health protocol. At this meeting invited all Lecturers of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program FEB Unud. The meeting was chaired directly by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (Dr. I GAM Asri Dwija Putri, SE., M, Si., CMA), at this meeting the discussion about the Vision and Mission of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, FEB Unud, in Determining the Vision and Mission of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program based on developments and refers to the Unud FEB Vision and Mission which has been determined based on Decree No.312 / UN14.2.7 / HK / 2020. Before the establishment of the vision and mission, a questionnaire was spread to all Lecturers of FEB Unud's Undergraduate Accounting Study Program as input material in the Determination of the Vision and Mission of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, FEB Unud.