Undergraduate Study Program in Development Economics, FEB Unud, holds workshops and student certification exams at the national and international level.

The Bachelor of Economics Study Program, Economic Development and Business, Udayana University, has carried out national and international student certification workshops and examinations with the theme "Feloquence in the Faculty of Academia: Crafting Persuasive and Impactful Academic Presentations," which was held on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Udayana University Economics and Business BH Auditorium.

Adapun beberapa kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari kegiatan Lokakarya dan Ujian Sertifikasi Mahasiswa adalah sebagai berikut: Semua profesi itu membutuhkan kemampuan public speaking karena pada kenyataannya public speaking sangat penting dalam dunia karir.

Several conclusions that can be drawn from the student certification examination and workshop activities are as follows: All professions require public speaking skills because, in reality, public speaking is very important in the career world.

Apart from that, Komang Putri Cahya, the speaker, also gave us tips on good public speaking and how to deal with it when we are nervous. Apart from that, the factors that form public speakers can come from birth, environment, and training. And the most important quote to remember is that "the success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge you transmit but by what the listener receives."