
Today's Udayana University Polymerase Chain Reaction Laboratory (PCR Lab) Officially Begins Operation, Can Perform Swab Tests Up to 300 Samples Per Day

Senin, 11 Mei 2020

Jimbaran - Udayana University Hospital now has a laboratory to conduct a Covid-19 patient swab test. Since it was established as Covid-19 Patient Special Isolation Hos Read More...

FEB Holds a Newton Fund Institutional Links Session Info Webinar

Senin, 11 Mei 2020

The Research and Community Service Unit (UP2M) of FEB Unud held an online seminar titled Info Session Newton Fund Institutional Links on Friday (08/05) yesterday morni Read More...

FEB Organizes Journal and E-Journal Manager Sertijab

Senin, 11 Mei 2020

Dekanat FEB menyelenggarakan acara Serah Terima Jabatan (Sertijab) para Pengelola Jurnal dan E-Jurnal di Kampus Denpasar, Jumat (08/05) sore kemarin. Hadir dalam acara Read More...

Udayana University Will Open New Student Admission Selection Mandiri Path

Senin, 11 Mei 2020

Denpasar - Rector of Udayana University A.A Raka Sudewi held a meeting with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Head of BAKH, the Head of the BPKU, the Chair Read More...